Tuesday, August 4, 2009

bored boreddd..boreddddd..............

im fucking boredd....bored bored bored...blablablahh..lalala....i guess i have loads of things to do...ahem like my assignment which is due tomorrow..lolol...but i'd rather procrastinate and be bored...hahaha...anyhows....i dont have anything in particular to say...so im just gonna blabber my boredom away....ahaha...i guess im not gonna sleep tonight....again...haven't been sleeping much..especially during da nights...and when day comes and im too freaking tired i just crash in bed...oh da dreams i've been having...lolol...da other night...fatnick got infected and tried to infect all of us yea....zombie infection yea...i think i've been playing too much l4d...hahaha...so we had to bring him to hogwarts to find a way to bring him back to normal...hahaha...anyway..when we got to hogwarts all hell broke loose..on top of voldemort reigning free we now have zombies too...lol...i cant remember what happened after that..and today i dreamt of fatnick again!!!! NICKKK STOP INVADING MY MINDDDDD!!!! lol oh wells...at least my dreams have been hell loads of fun...lol..i think i should stop playing l4d and convert to dota....hahaha ive had enough of zombies man...it's funny how i seem to always be tormented by zombies...edison ko and kyon i blame you guys for making me watch 28days! lolol...da worst was zombie glitz man...there was a zombie apocalypse...and glitz got infected too...all of a sudden she started attacking me and ripping me apart and all i did was cry..i didnt even defend myself..of course i wouldnt wanna harm my baby right...lolol...or so i thought....in da dream i stabbed her to death...fucking hell...hahaha goryyyy.....wheeeeeeeee...i think my baby hates me....yesterday night when i left da house she was howling again as usual...but her howls were kinda different......it sounded like she was sobbing....i went in again to comfort her before leaving....i know ive been neglecting her....sorry glitz...just give me some time yea.....fuck it...im just gonna rant....seriously please stop poking your noses into my personal life man....i know most of you guys are concerned...yes but please draw a line....i feel like i been dragged into this joyride and i cant get away from this fucking flow! if you're really concerned freaking stop gossipping and making it a fucking show...i hear da weirdest and oddest shit from da most random of people! and it's like oh wtf..oh is it..how come i da main person involved doesnt know shit!...you guys really love determining and making assumptions about what's going with me yea....it usually doesnt bother me...but it's where i freaking work and i can feel all your stares! not only that...stop freaking involving other people...just stop stop stop! stop spying and reporting man....and stop wondering if something is wrong just because im not smiling....must i hahaha and lalala all da fucking time...wheeee...yes because you only know da hahaha me....so i apologise for being emo alright.....thanks really for da concern..it's extremely touching...but this is no show...you guys are too blinded by your concern for only one person and dont see that you're hurting others too....in anyway...da show's over alright....so there's no need to spy anymore.

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