Wednesday, September 23, 2009

zoo zoo ZOO!!!

hahaha i finally went to da zoo! been craving for it since god knows day at da zoo really chases all da boohoos away...well not permanently of course..but it's been a while since i had this much around like a crazy kid...riding da carousel...pressing myself against glass panels to get da attention of da antisocial polar outsmarted by polar bear (Inuka) cos there was another area to view him from..rather then waving like crazy lazy lioness sleeping with legs all up in de air...wanted to pose with me doing thousand years of pain to it..but it moved! too bad...lolol..da best part was da white tigers man...out of da entire trip we spend about a third of our time at da white tigers habitat...first stop white tigers...and they just got fed! so instead of them lazing around they were cleaning and licking themselves and one of them was still chewing on a bone...just like glitz! soooooo was so happily chewing and part of its tail was in da water la...then all da fishes were like gathered at its tail haha! at da end of da day...da white tigers were our last stop again...lolol...this time we were even more of them was sleeping with it's legs up in da air and rolling around...lololol...they were yawning and lazing...uber uber uber cute!!!!!!! and you know what's da best part! we stayed there till closing time and we were da only ones who saw one of them jump into da water!! wow wow WOW! how lucky can one get! jumped into da water right and all da fishes started playing follow da leader LOL it then waded to one of da bushes and started poking it's nose around...low and BEHOLD! it retrieved da bone it was chewing in da afternoon! so picture this...white tiger swimming with bone in it's mouth... FTW!!!!!!!!! lololol and there's more!!!!! it freaking leaped up da rock! you know in lion king da pride rock...LOLOL it was some rock like that and it was standing there with da bone in its mouth...wahahha best day at zoo ever man! usually we only get to see them lazing around...wheeeeeeeeeee and you know we got in for free lol thanks hunloon! went to night safari to say hi to ah boon they all too! and we ended up taking da tram too wheeeeee! lolol...ultimate animal day rofl i cant wait to post pictures but it'd be a while cos there're shitloads of them..esp da white tiger HAHA guess what!? we got footage too!!!!! LOLOL gosh bloggin about this is making me so gonna go back to da zoo soon...maybe next week..i should go every week LOLOL i looooooooooooooooooooooooooooveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee animals...heh heh.....

problems are evident in people's lives...most can be my current issue with my assignment submission....and those that cant...we can only learn to deal with it...and it we cant deal...then avoid.....simpler said then done......but what's da point of sulking and thinking about it.....somehow somewhere....answers will come......and sometimes...waiting is da only thing we can do....some people wait their whole lives for something that never comes.....some give up waiting and turn to other alternatives......some work so hard for their dreams but their dreams dont come true.....when you've worked so hard...waited and even prayed.....who or what else can you then turn to......we all live for something....well not really....most people just live cos they are alive.....some live for loved ones....some live for their'll live for my dreams......if i cant...i'll live in a dream.....but what if my dream is only a dream....hahaha im talking in circles already....私の傍いれば。。生き続けてみます。。お前は何を考えてる。。怖い。。

i knew it i knew it i knew it....nothing good comes from da approaching day....everything is going wrong............why when i already have enough on my's times like these when i wish someone would shoot me.....i cant even take comfort in da simpler pleasures of life.....i should jump into da moat and let da white tigers rip me to shreds.....

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