Monday, July 13, 2009

ippai oppai..LOL

ahhh i've got lots of things to say! it's been really a good fun way though..and school hasn't even started yet! we went for cosfest yesterday and da day before...been going out with new friends at wee hours of da day...hahaha...ever since i came back from penang it's been an uphill run...penang was so slack...all i did was freaking eat and sleep...LOL...and da moment i came back i had to start work...luckily i love my job! i just freaking play games..hahahaha..and da people there are just makes me reminisce about da time i spent with da night safari supper gang...i guess i really miss night safari a lot...going to supper....then to da marina arcade...listening to xjapan songs and singing while da car windows were down.....cereal prawn..LOL...stingray....ogling cute jap students....hahaha...uncle eng kiat....ah boon should be in japan now....i wonder how everyone is doing...da otters...da lazy tigers....da naughty chawang...auntie jenny...rachael....uncle lee....but it's glad im in a better place right now...despite having no japs to speak with...and no animals to look least here i know that da people actually value and respect each other....and wouldnt just off someone cos he's old....haha fuck yes im still sore about uncle engkiat....this ridiculous facade of a conservation effort....ugh...always only thinking about cutting costs and improving's omnipotent i guess...i just wished it wasnt that prevalent...especially when it's supposed to be for a compassionate never gonna survive in this stupid world....even worst if i have to enter da working industry....never gonna work for some MNC...never ever ever ever....dont even wanna think of holding a full time position....why is it so fucked up? hahaha...saaa...humans have da ability to be really kind...generous...compassionate..selfless....humble...yet...da temptations of worldly pleasures are too great to ignore.....humans are so so weak.....seriously it's because of this that's why people fall to da dark side.....humans who are tempted by something greater than worldly pleasures....da desire to destroy this world that we live in....da desire to self destruct because we dont wanna live in this definitely one of is shio.....and most of my close friends too.....shio's like permanently in da dark fluctuating....cos i wanna believe in da good of this world....why else would we still be alive then if all that awaits us is doom?...which side are you on...and which side do you wanna be in....or are you too enshrouded in these worldly temptations and your puny circle to be aware? hahaha fuck...this is not supposed to be an emo post......i wanted to talk about naruto....and there is a gaara....but we dont know each other.....but im glad there is someone out there who understands and feels da same way.....speaking of which...hahah i took a picture with itachi and gaara cosplayers two all time fav charas! met up with ash and bev too...ohisashiburi! oh and as usual i didnt cosplay again! hahaha..damn...i just wore my chopper hat on da first day...and neko mimi on kinda lazy to post da pics i'll just post da link later when i upload it to sgcafe and yeah i went jamming da other day! met kohji...jody and lionel at da colosseum...and they taught me coincidence that we all stay near each of A7X and Xjapan...and they were looking for a vocalist! jamming was so fun....and hilarious...will probably be jamming together again...haha...i tried olivia's wish...super high la...and totally no stamina...i thought my singing sucked....shio thought so too...but da guys said it was good....hahaha...sigh...not good enough though....haha okay i will upload da pics after they are edited! ja nya~

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