Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Hi im not dead yet

haha this is so strange...i seriously haven't visited my blog in a while...much less update it...dont know why i stopped blogging all of a sudden and i dont know why i
decided to start blogging again...there's been stuff worth blogging about..but somehow i just procrastinated and simply forgot all about it...hahaha...one of da more 'exciting' and 'exhilarating' stuffs that happened was probably da distant worlds concert that was held just last weekend...hahaha nobuo uematsu rocks my socks....he was sitting like just 2 rows behind me...and was wearing this ramen kungfu master outfit...totally moe..LOL....da band wasnt as good as da tokyo philharmonic oke...but its still pretty okay for one that was just put together a week before da concert...hahaha...there was a percussionist nicknamed tamago too...so cute...it was actually Tama Goh...hahaha....if you've been to oke or band performances...you'd know that it's usually full of finesse and da atmosphere is quite delicate..but da concert was totally fun....rowdy crowds cheering...encore Encore ENCORE...one winged anGEL!! KYAAAA!!....hahahaha...they did two encores!...i was pretty disappointed when Roth announced that they were gonna play terra's theme for da encore...but later they played a 2nd encore and it was one winged angel! weeeee~ uematsu sensei even joined da choir during da song....so cute...he was bobbing up and down with his kenpo outfit...singing 'SEFIROSU'....hahaha moe moe kyun! LOL....they even took da time to have a QA and autograph session....and guess who i freaking saw????? masako miller lah! i got a shock when she came on stage...i wanted to ask her to intro me to uematsu! but she probably only remembers scolding me...hahaha...mrs miller is da head of japanese tourism in da zoo and night safari i think...she's always so anal about everything...LOL....esp punctuality...but japs are rather particular about this..so shikatanainda....yahhh....and you know i dont drive da freaking trams yeahh....and there's a person in charge of managing da tram schedules....so when da tram comes late...she always scolds da person who is stationed at da jap station....which was me or uncle ek....or ah boon....i wonder if she still scolds da people there...hahaha...i wonder if uematsu went to night safari...mmm.....haha...

so cute right....haha...you know recently there's been an increasing amount of white tiger attacks eh....so strange....last week da white tigers in a NZ zoo attacked a senior keeper....and he died with serious wounds on his abdomen and leg...and this ti
me they shot da tiger....so sad....only one out of ten thousand tigers are white....and now there're about 120 remaining in da world?....they dont serve any conservation purposes...but they are such beautiful creatures....can you believe that their white furs are actually a defect?...a classic case of beauty in imperfection....breeding white tigers is not a simple feat man...sometimes da tigers end up deformed....or they die really young...breeding one white tiger and another white tiger doesnt necessarily mean that you would get white tiger cubs too....because da white fur is just a genetic condition....like mohan...mohan is like da father of all white tigers...he was said to be da first white tiger to be discovered in da wild...in india....mohan mated with another normal tiger....and had 3 normal cubs....and he then mated with his daughter...LOL...and he had 4 white cubs! waaaaahhhhh...magic...hahahah...LOL.....i really really really really REALLY want a white tiger........but its highly impossible lah..esp since im stuck here in singapore...BAHHH....so i went to dig for alternatives...cats that look just like white tigers!....white toygers!...but they were kinda disappointing...

a white and normal toyger...but they look too much like domestic cats....

this is sumatra....freaking amazing right....da best toyger so far....looks exactly like a mini tiger...and it doesnt look like a domestic cat either...it's way broader...freaking awesome cat...pic was taken from national geographic website....

awwwwww now this is my dream mini white tiger!!!! but it's not a toyger...it's a british shorthair silver tabby....yet! silver tabbies mostly have spots and stripes...or vertical stripes...but this rare silver tabby has a stripe pattern like a tigers...and no spots!....wahhhhhhh..and blue eyes....its one of da kittens bred from bluecrest cattery...a local breeder...but this was like da only kitten with such prominent stripes.....i am seriously contemplating to get one...but it really depends on its patterns...because i already have karu and glitz...i dont want just another cat....i wonder when toygers will be allowed in singapore...so dumb....by da way glitz's birthday is coming soon! weee~~~ in 3 days' time...she's 5 years old already....another few more years....we'll be going to sentosa again...last year we didnt get to go cos of da rain...i hope that da weather'd be fine this time....it's gonna be karu's first time at da beach too...hahaha...okayyyy...that's all for now...hopefully i dont die off somewhere again...hahaha..ja nya~~

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